Coronavirus is a real threat to humanity today. As of March 2020, I have accumulated all the symptoms, knowledge, effects and even solutions available when it comes to combating the coronavirus threat. Referred to some of the top health experts' videos as well as videos from epidemiologist Michael Osterholm to bring you symptoms , future prospects, myths about hand sanitizer & face mask. as well as dedicated to immunity. Pretty much explained a detail defense diet for combating coronavirus and protecting yourself in case it reaches you. It is all about immunity when it comes to the virus. Explained how you can use correct foods and habits to first fix your lifestyle and then become stronger from the inside. Do not fear, stay positive .


Coronavirus was originated from china’s wuhan city going deep into it from the wet market where fresh meats are sold only fresh meat but also flesh of the wild animals are also sold. Coronavirus are are different type of virus,virus as the properties to change themselves to become stronger, before it there were many other virus like EBOLA (Africa),S.A.R.S ( China) the common factor between them are eating meat of wild animals can transfer there diseases into humans. Now talking about coronavirus 27 of first 41 coronavirus patients had visited Wuhan’s market.

wet maerket wuhan city


  • ·        Runny nose
  • ·        Fever
  • ·        Cough
  • ·        Sore throat

If you get these symptoms get checked yourself immediately in hospitals for coronavirus.


According to Michael Osterholm coronavirus are air transmitted disease by using hand sanitizer and mask definitely reduces the risk of this virus but focus on your hygiene if you want to boost your immunity. According Michael Osterholm surgical masks don’t offer much protection from coronavirus there are only one type of mask i.e N95 mask that can protect coronavirus which are currently hard to find in market. You should known that most of the coronavirus disease fatalities are in senior citizens. Smokers have a higher chance of dying from coronavirus disease if get infected the chance increases from 3.4%  to 10% which means that smoking reduces the immunity of body, obesity can also reduce your immunity and one more important thing to don’t consume raw meat,raw veggies and raw egg. The more important thing is to increase immunity of the body which is provided in this link

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