Immunity can be increased by these ayurvedas.

You have low immunity? Do you catch cold every now and then? Or you are facing skin issues? Or patchy hair loss? Well, all these are the signs of a weak immune system. In this blog I have shared with you 5 simple ways by which you can boost your immune system naturally at home.
Immunity Boosters are
·        Ashwagandha
·        Giloy Powder
·        Turmeric
·        Amla


Ashwagandha is one of the most powerful herb , it is also referred as Indian ginseng. The best way to have it is to mix one spoon of ashwagandha in one glass of milk and drink that milk one hour before the sleep.
Immunity can be increased by these ayurvedas.

Giloy powder

Giloy is also known as amrita which literally means the root of immortality. Giloy is full of antioxidant that fight with the intruders .The best way to have is to mix one spoon of giloy powder in one glass of warm water and drink it empty stomach in the morning.
Immunity can be increased by these ayurvedas.


Turmeric gives an instant boost to an immune system .It has antioxidant, anti inflammatory and anti microbial properties. The best way to have is to mix one spoon of turmeric powder to a glass of milk and drink before a sleep.
Immunity can be increased by these ayurvedas.


Amla or Indian gooseberry is very high in vitamin c. one amla can be equal to twenty oranges. An one amla a day keeps infections away. Alma can be consumed raw, pickle form or in form of juice.
Immunity can be increased by these ayurvedas.

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