Dark coloration of the skin in the underarms region is usually not a disease or medical condition. Dark underarms can be thought of as the skin’s response to exposure to certain elements, similar to a suntan that results from exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays.
Some of the main causes of dark underarms are shaving, regular use of hair removing creams, excessive sweating, poor ventilation of underarms, accumulation of dead skin cells, and use of alcohol-based deodorants and antiperspirants.
First of all, I do not recommend trying any of the multitudes of home remedies you’ll see or read about. Not because they aren’t effective (I have no idea if they are or not), but rather because they have the potential to make things worse or have a different negative reaction.
The first thing you need to do is determine why your underarm skin is darker. Then only you should start looking into how to deal with it.
In order to determine the why, consult a doctor (preferably a dermatologist). If it’s a result of skin thickening due to whatever method of hair removal you have been using, then you can change how you deal with that and in time it may fade away on its own. If it is due to acanthosis nigricans, then you either need help from an endocrinologist or treatment for diabetes. (So you see using potato, lemon, or tomato will do nothing to treat the underlying cause). The same is true if you’ve developed some sort of fungal or yeast infection. You’ll need to see a doctor.
For many people those darker underarms are simply due to genetics and the way their body naturally produces melanin. Those people will also tend to have darker skin on their elbows, knees, knuckles, joints of the toe and heels. The only effective way to deal with that is to use some pretty strong skin lightening treatments. And again, you will be best served if you have the help of a doctor. They can best determine what treatments specifically are likely to work best, how concentrated any topical applications should be, how often and how to use them and what precautions need to be taken, as well as possible side effects to watch out for.
And as with any skin lightening attempts, extra care to protect from the sun must be taken. Such skin lightening makes the tissue more sensitive in general, but especially to the effects of UV radiation. Failure to exercise proper precautions and skin care can result in either total loss of pigment (leaving you with large white patches that cannot be treated) or a sort of rebound effect where your pigmentation winds up even darker (triggered by the skin producing more melanin to protect itself).

Popular natural remedies for underarm whitening include:

  • Use of lemon
  • Use of potato juice
  • Use of aloe Vera
  • Use of baking soda

Some of these home remedies may cause side effects. Lemon juice, for example, may dry out or irritate the skin. It is best to talk to a doctor or dermatologist before using any home remedies for under whitening.

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