Testosterone is a hormones produce in men by the testicles. Testosterone is a very important hormone of men because it enhances muscle growth, improves bone density, promotes hair growth, responsible for sex drives and the overall strength of the body.
If a testosterone in a body is less it causes many problems like obesity, slow muscle growth, slow beard growth, slow hair growth, weak sex power and low body strength. In male the testosterone gets increased till age 30 and starts reducing from age 40.

To increase body men’s take testosterone injections. But this can have many side effects to a body. When we inject testosterone from outside the bioidentical hormones inactivates your own testicles, shrinking it and causes problems like hair fall etc. so it’s important to boost testosterone but naturally.



Very less people know that the sunlight plays an important role in increasing testosterone of body as we all known that sun light is a best source vitamin D. so expose your body to sunlight when sun rises or sun sets to around 10-15 minutes. If you visit doctors too they will recommend you a vitamin D tablets. The other advantage of sun light is the cortisol of the body decreases, scientists have proved that as the cortisol of the body decreases the testosterone of the body increases.


Stress in day today life increases day by day whether it is study tension, office tension or many other kind of tensions. Due to which the cortisol increases results decrease in the testosterone of the body. Live free of stress as much as possible. To be stress free be happy as much as possible, enjoy nature and work out regularly which helps in relieving the stress.


Study shows that daily work intense work out leads to increase in the testosterone of the body. Do intense daily work out for around 30-45 minutes in a day.


A balance diet is highly recommended which has zinc, vitamin D and healthy fats. We can consume foods like milk, paneer, mushroom, seeds, whole grains, green vegetables and coconut and if you are non-vegetarian you can consume eggs and meats. Now what not to eat the main is sugar as the level of sugar increases the insulin spike is more results decrease in testosterone. Drinking alcohol leads to increase in estrogen which in turn decreases testosterone, so no drinking.


Sleep is very important for body, a body should have a sleep for around eight hours. The best time to have a sleep is 10 pm – 4 am. Test levels are highest after a sound sleep. Almost fix your sleep time. Stay away from the gadgets one hour before the sleep.


Natural boosters like ashwgandha as we all know that ashwgandha in ayurveda  has a important place. Ashwgandha have many medical properties in it. Take half spoon of ashwgandha in a warm milk and mix well consume hour before a sleep.

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