Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which originated in ancient India.
The term "Yoga" in the Western world often denotes a modern form of hatha yoga and yoga as exercise, consisting largely of the postures called asanas.
The origins of yoga have been speculated to date back to pre-vedic Indian traditions, possibly in the Indus valley civilization around 3000 BCE. Yoga is mentioned in the Rigveda, also referenced in the Upanishads, but yoga most likely developed as a systematic study around the 5th and 6th centuries BCE.
Yoga gurus from India later introduced yoga to the West, following the success of Swami Vivekananda in the late 19th and early 20th century with his adaptation of yoga tradition, excluding asanas. Outside India, it has developed into a posture-based physical fitness, stress-relief and relaxation technique Yoga in Indian traditions, however, is more than physical exercise; it has a meditative and spiritual core.


There are many benefits of yoga going to list few of them

·        STRESS

After seven to sixteen weeks of meditation a study saw a huge drop in c- proteins in blood those proteins are linked to inflammation when you are over stress inflammation increases which may leads to serious illness like cardiovascular disease, cancer etc. study shows that daily practice of yoga specifically meditation helps in release of the stress hormones from the body. Which leads to relaxed mind feels good and stress free.

·        BACK PAIN

After six to twelve weeks of yoga practice leads to get rid of your back pain and the flexibility of the body increase. According to study around 80% of the people in world are effected with the back pain.

·        WEIGHT LOSS

Daily yoga not only increases the flexibility but also helps as to reduce weight or obesity of the body. Around 75% of the people in the world are struggling with this problem and yoga helps to get rid of the problem in a natural way which enhances your body personality without any side effect and like any other treatments that are available for weight loss.


Immune system of the body plays a very important role in fighting against the unwanted virus and bacteria inside our body. The body remains healthy and strong. Continuous yoga in your daily life helps to increase your immunity of the body and stay healthy for long time.

·        ANTI-AGEING

Study shows that regular yoga in routine life helps as to look younger as compared to the real age. The regular practice of yoga keeps your blood circulation normal.
According to study yoga, jogging, brisk walking or any form of exercise for four to five hours a week helps body to fight against many diseases. So doctors suggest to do regular exercise  for at least half an hour in morning and half an hour in the evening.


To stay healthy an exercise is must in our busy life.

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