Moles or melanocytic nevus are the black lesions that you tend to see on your face and on any part of the body.


UV EXPOSURE: The most common cause is UV exposure that’s why these moles are usually seen areas which are exposed to the sun. So if you have prolonged UV exposure or you work in an environment way it requires you to be outdoors for a long time, this could be one of the reasons why you’re getting moles.

DARKER ETHNICITY: Your skin color this is known to be more frequently seen in darker skin colors as compare to lighter ones.

GENETIC PREDISPOSITION: If in your family other members have multiple moles on their face and elsewhere, then there is a high tendency that you will develop them too.

IMMUNOSUPPRESSION: Any underlying disorder such as a blistering skin disorder, can also lead to development of moles or if you are on any kind of immunosuppressive therapy or chemotherapy which kind of reduces your immune system. This can also lead to formation of multiple moles on the body.

What is the real reason white occurs? it is known that the stem cells which makes melanocytes there is a certain aberration in the maturation of those stem cells. So instead of forming melanocytes which are cells, which make the pigment malinin. They form nouveau melanocytes meaning that they form cells which make this mold. There is some kind of misbalance that occurs in the body that converts these stem cells into cells, which make wounds. When these moles occur they are most commonly seen in childhood and adulthood so commonly in second to third decade, in your 20s you may notice a few new moles developing on your face and body.


How do these moles appear, moles are mainly of three types.

JUNTIONAL LEAVERS: Juntional leavers where in a cell which make this pigment are present in the layer between the epidermis and the dermis.

DOOR MANEUVERS: Door maneuvers where the cells are in the lower part of the skin that is dermis.

COMPOUND NEWEST: Compound newest means that it is present in the junction as well as in the dermis.

 The appearance depends upon the type of turn either’s. It can either be dark colored and flat like a junction olivos or it can be lighter colored and elevated like a intradermally or it can be elevated as well as colored which is a compounded nervous.


There are lots of people who say that they have the small mole on the face and they’re scared that will become a cancer or will turn into a melanoma. They want to remove it in our skin type the occurrence of melanoma is quite rare. It is more commonly seen in lighter skin tone however we have to be careful if there are certain changes. These changes occur in universe in your moles then you want to promptly visit your dermatologist and get the mole tested.


SUDDEN INCREASE IN SIZE: Sudden increase in size of mole over a few weeks or months and over a few years. If the mole has suddenly increased in size then that could be a reason to worry.

CHANGE IN COLOR: If there is a change in color of the mole from black. If at all slightly bluish or grayish then you can get it investigated. If there is an alteration that means there is a wound. If the place where you have the mole there is a wound in that area or if it bleeds then you want to get this mole evaluated.

 If mole is just sitting on your skin and not bothering you and is not showing any of the signs like mentioned above then need not worry the mole.


If you have a mole, how to tackle it the approach to treating a mole depends upon the size of the mole, the type of mole and where it is present. If it is present in certain areas which are hidden from the body then we can just let it be and not do anything. If there are present in areas which brothers you then we can remove it. There are basically two ways to remove a mole either you burn the mole or exercise the mole.

THERMAL DAMAGE:  Burn the area where you have the mole, so that new skin forms in that area and the mole can be removed. This can be done in two ways either by using radio frequency ablation or by using a carbon dioxide laser both work same mechanism. They will burn your mold layer by layer up to the level where we can completely remove the cells which are causing this mold. Then the skin will heal in this area and might leave behind a small scar.

EXCISION: Second method of removing the mole is by excision. Where an incision with a scalpel, remove your entire mole and stitch it up and sutures it, the sutures usually moved on seventh or ten depending upon the type of suture used and the area from which the mole has been removed.

Remember that there is no cream that can help you in removing your mole. There is no cream that can completely get rid of your moles. Mole has to either be burnt or be excised and whenever you remove a mole it can never leave behind completely normal skin. It can leave behind a slight scar so if you go for RF or carbon dioxide they might be a slightly flatter rounder scar which might be barely visible. Depending upon how it was removed and even when you go for accession it will leave behind a thin long zinnia scar. Eventually it will look better than having the mole there but you can never have normal skin. There are lots of people who come from wool removal but then they quickly change their mind once they come to know that they are going to have a scar. There is always going to be a scar left behind because to completely remove them all we have to completely get rid of the cells making the mole those lies slightly deeper on the skin. At the level where there can be scarring so you have to be prepared to face a slight bit of scarring after you remove them.


Moles are very difficult to prevent. They are genetically determined there’s nothing that you can really do to stop it from forming but certain studies have shown that use of sunscreen and reducing the exposure to UV rays may lead to reduction in the appearance of new moles. Something you can consider if you’re developing a lot of moles but it is not in your hands and not under your control to completely stop the appearance of new moles.


Please do not go for any kind of home remedies such as applying a leak, baking soda and toothpaste on you more it is only gowning to make situations worse. Remember that your skin has to be treated gently you can adjust slam any kind of chemical on your face, your skin will react. By applying soda or tuna on your face or lime might get of the mole but it is also going to damage the skin surrounding the mole and just going to make situation worse. Imagine getting a big scar in that area which is like 2 or 3 times the size of that mole it really aesthetic so stay away from the application of these chemicals and caustic substances on your skin. Sometimes these irritant substances just irritate and get rid of the top part of the skin. It will get rid of the top part of the mole enjoy your skin and leave the cells underneath the skin still. Even after burning your skin in a really bad way the mole still comes back. So don’t go for any of these home remedies or application of these acids on your face. Don’t do it because it is just going to do more harm than good.  

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