How you can harness power from the sun to be fittest healthiest self. It can be working hospital for your body and permanently cure diseases. Sunlight is food for us and without it our organs cannot function properly yet most of our bodies are starving for sunlight. We are becoming an in dole generation, a generation that spends 90% of its life indoors. We have filled our homes with fancy things and so we have become places we never want to live. Nature is being replaced with gadgets and sunlight with artificial light we wake up in a closed room shower in a closed bathroom get into a closed elevator into a florist car and drive to work where we spend all day working in a closed room from entertainment to sport to shop. We have caged ourselves in to a point nothing can get out and if we do go out we wear so many creams and clothing so no speck of sunlight falls on our skin.

Unfortunately god has not adapted the bodies to live without sunlight. Sunlight has been the biological need for humans and because we are not getting it many things are starting to go wrong. Most of us are starting to feel sad as a society we constantly under stress or anxiety depression has become a common state of mind. We are popping pills to feel happy but how can we be happy if we shut ourselves and darkness. Some people are having problem of sleeping and some others have problem of breathing. The lack of sunlight is also affecting children’s ability to learn to remember on a physical level it’s softening our bones and problems like osteoporosis cervical, arthritis constantinian back pains which were once only used to affect our grandparents. These problems are becoming common even among youth hard to notice in the beginning but the lack of sunlight is disrupting the natural functioning of our organs of our pancreas, ovaries, heart and skin. We are getting diseases like diabetes, PCOD, hormonal imbalances, thyroid, acne, psoriasis and high blood pressure. The solution is simple from an indoor generation we have to become an outdoor generation we have to let sunlight back into our lives again. Sunlight is the original medicine that humans have been using for thousands of years our forefathers used to worship the sun as a deity of health and happiness. In vedic Indian texts it is said that “sun can heal anything”. The gayatri mantra was sung as a prayer to the sun god who is called suryanarayan in vedas. Surah namaskar or sun salutations were done every morning to benefit the body of exercise.
In Germany during world war sunlight was used to treat war wounds, when soldiers fighting in a war got gunshot wounds, instead of lapping wounds with bandage the military doctors exposed to the sun for several hours a day. Sunlight was actually used as an antiseptic to clean the wound.
In Rome they practiced something called solar architecture a true architect was looked at someone who also had the knowledge of health and design building with most sunlight.
In Greece they used heliotherapy meaning sunlight as medicine all across Europe there were Heliotherapy clinics where patients particularly children were put in sun beds for much of the day and saw dramatic results ensuring all diseases rickets, burn’s etc..
In Italy they made sunlit hospital rooms patients who were put in sunlit hospital rooms healed much faster than patients in rooms which received no sunlight.
All across the world sunlight was used as a medicine something so common has become uncommon to us today. Let’s be the generation who bring back these forgotten truths.
The two powerful ways to use sunlight as a medicine in your body.


Sun bathing which basically means that you go outside for about thirty minutes every day and expose your body to the sun, bathing that we do with water every day is just one type of bathing it only cleans your external body. Sunbathing is essential for cleaning your internal body, when wheat or rice in our kitchen catches worms or starts to smell bad we put it under the sun and it gets purified because sunlight is a natural disinfectant. Sunlight detoxifies your body by removing the bad bacteria, molds, fungus, that you might not even know exist inside. When sunlight falls on our skin, our skin feels a little warm. That is when sunlight is penetrating deep into your skin and reaching the blood passing through your arteries and so, your blood gets circulated. Blood that was previously hard and clogged up is put into motion. The toxins and impurities in your blood are also circulated and then finally excreted through sweat or urine. After sunbathing, most people’s turns yellow. That is a sign of more toxins being released from the body and no disease in the world can survive in a body that is clean internally. In your skin there are thousands of little pores per square inch. When these pores become closed because of dirt or any other matter the waste can no longer exit the skin and it gives rise to many diseases. By giving them the light warmth of the sun, these pores are opened up and waste accumulated in these pores exits out through the skin. Combine everyday sunbathing with 16 hour fasting, enema, wet pack and proper diet and all skin problems will vanish within a few months, be it acne, psoriasis, eczema, anything. Our water is contaminated, our air is contaminated, and our food is contaminated but sunlight is the only source of energy that is 100% uncontaminated and always will be. It’s never the sun that gives us cancer but the chemicals in the sunscreen that gives us cancer. To protect yourself from the strong afternoon sunlight use a hat or cover your head with a cloth, Use physical protection rather than chemical.


Sun gazing is an ancient practice it’s not something new. It basically means looking at the sun for about 15 minutes every day, when it is not bright at all, in the early morning or the evening. Mother Nature’s greatest gift that we are enjoying, on the top of our body, is our brain and we are hardly able to use 2% or 3% of it. Nature has gifted us with immense power but unfortunately, our brain remains dormant because no sunlight is reaching it. Sunlight is like the power supply, the electricity for the brain. If this brain gets this power supply, it can do wonders. Sunlight can reach the brain fastest through your eyes. Eyes are the extended part of your human brain they are like windows of the brain. Our eyes are also a very delicate organ so while sun grazing; we must be also being careful that no harm is caused to the eye. According to your convenience if someday you cannot do it in the morning, do it in the evening. When you look at the sun powerful photons of energy from the sun are received by your eye then, they go to the brain and from there to your entire body and the health of the entire body are improved. Sun light contains life giving energy and this same life giving energy is transferred to your body and is used to heal your tissues and your cells when you receive it. The benefit of the sun grazing will be on your eyes health will improve. Mind will become more balanced; the wavering, turbulent mind will become more balanced. You will become more positive in your thinking your fear will start to go away. Your IQ will increase brain cells will regenerate.


Sunlight is lifestyle medicine, the reason you don’t hear about it on TV or newspapers is because nobody profits from lifestyle medicine other than you of course. It’s not made a part of medical training that just how the system works.

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