Anxiety plays a tremendous role in millions of people worldwide. There are many things that we fear, we over anticipate and we become extremely nervous. There are things that trigger of these little inner types of feelings that we have that causes our body to react in a way, that we can’t even sometimes control it. But anxiety leads to nervousness that leads to an over stimulation of our nervous system that cause an adrenaline to be secreted from our adrenal glands it allows muscles to become overly contracted. The heart rate increases the blood pressure it causes problems with digestion, concentration, sleep and many other things. But you can get rid of anxiety depression over stimulation that you are experiencing in day today life.

Many of you have false evidence appearing real. We are perceiving things in our mind that don’t even come true 90% of the time you need to understand that, the most important thing is our health. So you need to take step back, look at yourself and say is it worth my health to worry, to become stressed, to become over anxious and to do things in life that are not even in your control.


Drugs have a serious effect upon our internal organs, serious side effects. Drugs will not get rid of anxiety depression will not cure anything unless it’s like an antibiotics trying to help the body recover from infection but in this particular situation, do not want to drug. You need to understand that if you are depending upon something you are not getting to the root of your problems and the problems are never going to go away.


One of the favorite ways to get rid of anxiety is exercise. Exercise not only increases circulation but it actually increases endorphins from the brain. Endorphins give us opiate that are naturally high that lights feeling and happy feeling. This actually helps to cause a relaxation within our body. The parasympathetic system causes the body to relax, allowing us to become more tranquil.


Most important healthy meditation is a great way to get of anxiety. Meditation is any way you can slow your body by getting your mind off stresses. Anything to tune into yourself by being in front of waves, at an ocean, on a beach, listen to the birds chirping, hearing the wind blow and just hearing the water flow wherever you are and just getting your mind off everything taking deep breaths, focusing inside yourself to reduce stress which is a tremendous asset for your health and your well-being.


Something else you may not want is limiting your social media. Many people out there know everything about everyone else. Don’t compare yourself to anyone, if you are going to go on social media like FB, twitter, instagram or other types of social Medias. Don’t compare yourself to anyone else just wish them, well be happy, make friends and relax and enjoy life.


If you are a coffee drinker, love caffeine and you are addicted to it, does not mix with anxiety the caffeine increases the sympathetic nervous system. The fight system secretes adrenaline allows your system to become jittery try backing off from coffee and you will see all jittery you get this overlaps anxiety and again this is going to trigger off things within your nervous system to cause panic attacks and other similar to that. So starts backing off that caffeine do it slowly.


These things are going to help you, drugs are just going too temporarily patch things up it’s not going to get to the root of the problem but the root cause what it’s all about right now. You need to get to the root of your problem, why are you panicking, what is that stimulating these thoughts in your mind, what are you fearing anxiety nervousness all these depression it leads to a feeling inside yourself that you feel that you cannot get in control.

This is not medical, this is philosophical this is experience there’s nothing more important than your health your health is number one. If you are injuring   and damaging things within yourself it’s going to affect your life nothing is worth. Let things happen in the worst scenario you do it again you make it up whatever needs gets whatever needs to repaired will get repaired. So you need to unwind and let things go because as you start attributes these thought patterns they become habits, habits are hard to break. It takes 21 good days of just living a certain way thinking, certain way acting, a certain way behaving and a certain way until your body will say god it’s on cruise control and this problem is really going away. When you start seeing results it’s going to motivate you and you will see results.


Just keep moving forward go through those obstacles let those little side-effects of that little dizziness and that anxiety and the palpitations happen. You are going to die from them but let it pass and just keep going forward and you will see that you will be in control.   

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